Raúl Hernandez Garrido is a spanish writer, born on 1964. He is a prototype of the latest Spanish Dramaturgy. He is able to combinate both his job as writer and University teacher. But, he also works as screenwriter, film director and TV producer.
His narrative is composed by the novel “Abrieron las ventanas” (awarded with the Irreverentes de Novela 2009 prize) and other short stories, published in several printed media and anthologies.

Among his audiovisual works, it emphasizes the feature film “Escuadra hacia la Muerte”(Squad to death)(2006) based on one of Alfonso Sastre´s plays and the film “Antes de morir piensa en mí”( Before you die, think on me)(2009) based on his own play “Los Engranajes”(The Gears).
Due to his theatre play, he has won several prizes such as El Espectador teatral prize for “Los sueños de la ciudad”(City dreams), Teatro Born 2000 prize for “Si un día me olvidaras” (If you ever forget me); the second prize in the 1998 SGAE theatre prize for “Los Restos: Fedra” (The rest: Fedra); in 1997 Lope de Vega prize for “Los engranajes” (The Gears); in 1996 Rojas Zorrilla prize for “Los restos: Agamenón vuelve a casa” ( The rests: Agamenon comes back home); in 1994 Calderon de la Barca prize for “Los Malditos” (The Damned) and in 1991 Ciudad de Alarcón prize for “De la Sangre sobre la nieve”.
In the 2000 National prize of dramatic Literature, he was finalista. In May 2005 his play “La persistencia de la imagen” (Image Persistence) was played by the National Dramatic Center. The plays “Los Malditos” (The Damned), “Los Engranajes”(The Gears), “Los Restos: Fedra” (The rest: Fedra) and “Los Restos: Agamenon vuelve a casa” (The rest: Agamenon comes back home) were performed in the theatre program The Slaves.
All the mentioned plays as well as the following stories has been published “Oscureció en su furor", "Internegativos", "Las madres de mayo van de excursión”, “Calibán”, “Entremuros 37”, “Partículas elementales”, “Te mandaré una carta”, ....
His texts has been translated into several languages and performed into several countries such as Russia, Hungary, Portugal, Rumania, Italy, Brazil, Costa Rica,…
He wrote and the directed the shorts “Dafne y el árbol”(Dafne and the tree) in 1997, “Bajo la arena” (Under the sand) in 1992 and “Bajomonte” (Hillock) in 1993. He has also produced and realized several documentaries and dramatic stories included in some of TVE programs such as “Documentos TV”, “Informe Semanal”, “Noche Temática Arte”, “La aventura del saber”… The last documentaries in which he worked were “Balleneros del Norte” (Northern Whalers) directed by Paco Garrido and “Los oficios de la cultura” by Ana Pelaez.
He worked as producer in The Concerts of Radio 3. Nowadays, he is the director and producer of the program XTRAS in Cultural Chanel and he is also producing Gustav Mahler complete symphonic cycle, performed by RTVE Orchestra.
At present, he is concluding his thesis about Imaginary Construction and the Mizoguchi conception of cinema, supervised by Jesús González Requena.